
This website is for recent members of Morning Star Church. It is not an attack website. I am not a judge and I don't want that job. I am also not perfect. The leaders of MSC have made that abundantly clear, and for the record, I did not personally need the refresher. If God required us to have flawless character to be used by Him, none of us would be qualified to speak or act or encourage or minister in any way. Yet, He still calls us to do good, to seek justice, to correct oppression, to bring justice. This is who He is, and it's who you and I were created to be.

This website is intended to help give language to some of the situations and experiences that many of us former and recent MSC members walked through in our time there. It is not comprehensive, and there is much that is not appropriate to discuss in a public forum such as this. However, to the extent that it is wise and helpful, my heart is to shine a light on some of the harmful theology and practices that were heavily implemented at MSC. Again, the purpose in this is not to attack or to condemn, but to help bring healing. God cannot heal what we refuse to acknowledge.

This website is profoundly personal, but I don't know how else to encourage and share truth, to shine a light, than through my own story. It's woven throughout the pages of this site, and the only reason I could ever have the courage to be so transparent is because my story is evidence of His goodness. I will never be able to keep this story in the dark. He's been too good to me to be silent. I can share the pain of this past year, because the pain is not the end of my story. Your pain is not the end of your story either.

I know that this vulnerability will most likely be used against me, but I also know that vulnerability will never be safe. It is never safe to speak, especially in these situations. But it is even less safe not to speak.

- Lucy


You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives. - Genesis 50:20